Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some Things Never Get Old

I can drink a McDonalds coke 2 times a day, every day, and that will never get old to me.  There is just something about their coke.  It's amazingly refreshing, and tastes so good.  Every time I eat there, those that know me, never have to question what "I want to drink with that,"  They know!  And there have been countless times I have used their drive thru JUST for their coke.  Who needs food- when they have their COKE? It's amazing.Can you think of anything in your life like that?  Something that never bores you, but always the opposite? 
Another thing I think of- I never get tired of being around happy people with a genuine love for the Lord and zeal for life.  Never.  My husband- God knew I needed him.  That man is the best man I know.  Yes, he's goofy- (maybe even slightly insane :) )- but he's incredible.  He is the happiest, truest person in my life.  His desire is to see everyone as happy as he is.  He loves making people laugh- (though some sadly refuse to)- and more than anything- he loves talking about the Lord and the things he can do for Him.  I love being with him.  He always encourages me to do my best, draw closer to God, and pursue my dreams.  If I'm ever in a bad mood- he can lift my spirits quicker than anyone.  I love him... and that never gets old.
There's a lady I work with... I've only known her about six months or so, but already it's evident to me that she is so full of the joy of the Lord.  Even when she's not so happy- she's joyful.  (Hard to understand?- Not if you, too, have that joy in Jesus.)  I love getting to talk to her each day about the Lord- and the calling He's placed on our lives.  She never has ANYTHING negative to say.  It's always uplifting and supporting.  Our conversations never bore me.
I have a friend, my closest friend, Heather, me and her both tease each other on how we need "a Heather day," or in her case, "a Kristi day."  We share similar interests- but more than that- we both want to see the other succeed.  It's in our hearts to help the other reach the goals they so desparately want to reach.  It's precious, and I love it.  I'm so thankful that God put her in my life.  Even though we've both been hurt, aggravated, and hindered- we constantly share scriptures and thoughts- and we have both made unbelievable progress in the ambitions we've set.  God has us well on our way to seeing some dreams come true.  I so look forward to the days we get to visit and those long hours on the phone.  I don't care how often- or how few- those times always feel just as sweet.
I pray with every piece of my heart that I can be that type of person to whomever I meet.  God is good.  God is a keeper of promises.  "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."  No matter what life brings our way- inspite of what people may throw at us- God will work it for our good.  It's in His Word.  He will.  He wants to see "whatsoever we put our hand to, prosper."  He knows the best way for that to happen.  So if seemingly everything in your life is going wrong- for seemingly forever-  keep holding on, because He will turn it around.  I know this from experience.  I went through a time of, probably close to 3-4 years, where I was so unhappy.  I would get disappointed and hurt left and right- and nobody could tell.  And it felt like nobody cared.  I was given positions and opportunities that were taken away so unfairly.  Other "jobs" we were given always had stipulations that no one else had to deal with.  I was actually told while being offered something else that, "I was NOT first choice."  The list could go on.  It happened over and over again- so much, that I guarantee the people doing it- didn't even realize it.  They thought they were helping, teaching.  It was just routine.  When, in fact, we had never been so hurt and discouraged in all our lives.  I really had to pray through bitterness and everything.  Awful place to be.  BUT- GOD... (I could just leave it right here and cry at the awesomeness!)  BUT, GOD... turned it all around!  He made a way to bring us out, open unexpected, unbelievable doors- and give us the joy in Him that I'd been praying for for so long!  I wish I could even just barely put into words that happiness I've felt every day for the last 4 months or so.  It might sound a bit monotonous- but oh, does it feel great!  When you can let go of everything else- and just grasp the fact that GOD IS AWESOME- that He loves YOU- that YOU do have purpose- and that your life can be incredible through Him- you can experience it, too!!  I hope you do, if you haven't already.  Living for God is amazing.  His unexpected surprises are so enjoyable. The plans He has for you- the "packages" He tosses right there on your doorstep are fabulous.  "His mercies are new every morning."  They never get old.

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