Saturday, January 14, 2012

Critic's Choice =)

My Bestest Bud

"Slap your neighbor and tell 'em that the blood still speaks..."
When I hear this, I don't think of Bishop T.D. Jakes-  I think of Justin Matthew.
My lil bro is unbelievably incredible He's almost always in a good mood.  There are those few times he gets kinda' cranky, but when you point that out to him, he even laughs about that!  He has been through so much in life.  Most people in this world would be shocked beyond belief if they only knew the half.  Through all the pain in his life, though... every unfair and sorrowful thing... he has come out of it all with a smile on his face and a song in his heart.  Okay, SONG(S).  He plays music 24/7!  When he calls me and has to leave a voicemail, 9 times out of 10, he just lets a song play until my phone cuts it off.  There's even been a time or two that he's called back again- to let me hear the rest. Cause he knows I just love it...  (please catch the hint of sarcasm.)   =)  Yet, it never fails to make me laugh.  And I think he knows that.
He may not know it, but he inspires meReally- in oh, so many ways. He makes me look at the simplest things in life and find joy in them. He's shown me how not to be afraid, or let your circumstances change your character.  For a crazy lil booger, he's got some wisdom beyond his years.  He is so smart and thoughtful.  He's so willing to help, without any hesitation, and absolutely no complaints. He's talented, too!!  Especially with computers.  It's insane.  Aaron and I have called him countless times on things we needed to figure out- and three hours away, he can explain in STEP BY STEP mode what to click, or what to type, what to double click and drag, and exactly where to place it.  I'll never NOT be amazed. 
Justin also has a strong desire to work for the Lord.  He has organized prayer walks, designed Christian t-shirts, hosted a Bible study, worked in the sound booth, sang in the choir... You name it, he's done it... at only 18!
I love when he talks to me about what he wants to do with his life.  I'm SO PROUD of the man he's becoming.  He is my bud.  We have such good times together- goofing off, "arguing", sharing goals and ambitions, listening to music.  The times we get to share are beyond precious to me.  I'm so blessed to be so close to my brother.  He may not be my older brother, (although he's quickly becoming my 'big' brother  lol ), but he would stand up for me and protect me at any chance he got... and I would do the same thing for him.
I love that "lil guy" so much!  I'm so glad he's in my life!!
Love ya, bud!!

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