Tuesday, June 12, 2012

O Taste And See

I must say--  it's been forever!!  However, I have good reasons.  (yay!)  Aaron and I were extremely busy with college, and we got our first semester finished out with A's! 
BUT-  on an even better note - we were asked back in April to be the Associate Pastors of Student Ministries at Faith Assembly.  It was a church that some old friends of ours pastored. Directing my thoughts that way, it's so obvious that the Lord seriously let us "just run into them."  We found out they only lived about 40 miles away from us.  We decided (after SEVERAL months) to visit.  We had some questions that they had a lot of answers to, and we were going to meet with them about them.
Lo and behold, after just a few times of visiting with them, they informed us that they needed youth pastors, and they were praying that God would either send someone or lead them to find them.  After much talk, and even more prayer, Aaron and I both sincerely and wholeheartedly felt like this was the road we should take.

I can honestly say, we've never been so excited and happy in all of our lives.  We have both found an even bigger zeal to do something amazing for Jesus.  As I read back over some of my past posts, and I go back even farther in my diary, seeing where I am today, and the opportunity we've been given... well, I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude.  This position truly allows and supports us in nearly every dream we've ever longed to fulfill. 

We are over some amazing teens!  And talented!!!  We lead Worship on Wednesdays with the youth, allowing us to incorporate a lot of the music we've written.  We work side by side with some incredible people... and friends.  That's a huge blessing all by itself.  We feel nothing but love, support, and respect from them... which makes it a natural thing to give it all right back.  It's definitely a team.  And that's so nice.

We get to renovate the youth building.  We're coming up with a name for the youth group.  We're getting shirts made...  We've got TONS of activities planned.  We have at least three activities every month, not including practices and youth services.  Every one of them completely supported by the Pastor and Board, who, in turn, push the church to fully support.  I truly feel like I'm living a dream.  Honestly, I am.  It's my dream.  Our dream.  And it's incredible.

I remember back to the times when this all looked impossible.  It was so easy to just want to give up, pursue a career, dedicate our lives to something different.  Yet, the ministry was all we wanted.  It's who He made us to be.  And when He compelled us to remain faithful to Him, He proved Himself faithful by opening up the opportunity of a lifetime. 

O taste and see, that the Lord, He Is Good!  Once you've tasted of His blessings and grace...  Once you've experienced for yourself how truly amazing the life He gives really is, you'll see how good He is.  You'll crave His will, His work... and you'll keep desiring more of Him. 

I'm so thankful to Him for every good and perfect gift in my life- for it comes only from Him.  Today, this gal is unexplainably thrilled!  This post doesn't have a unique thought with it, or a captivating illustration...  but it's full of heartfelt gratitude and excitement.  I'll do my best to keep it updated throughout our newest journey.  (Plus, I have to tell you all about how my lil bro came to Illinois to live with us!!...  but that's another story!!)  In time, my friends, in time.  :)  LOVE!!