Saturday, November 5, 2011

Try Something New

Are you afraid to?  Do you fear what the outcome will be?  Does the thought of failure make you shudder at even the slightest possibility?  Is this keeping you from making something of yourself?  I was there... that was me.  I can't say I snapped my fingers and just made up my mind that I was done with it. BUT, I did fall on my knees and determine in my heart, that this was not God's will for my life- and WE were done with it.  Oh, how much happier I've been!
I've heard it said, "Success is not common.  Therefore, the common rarely see success."  This is true... and I don't mean it to look down on any.  When I say the "common"... I am not talking about the middle class person in the economy.  I'm not meaning the B-C average student.  The "non-popular" crowd doesn't even cross my mind when I say that word.  I think of those who just don't try... those who just want to "go with the flow" or "follow the 'in' crowd", and those who just get swept away with every new fad that blows their way.  A lot of people, especially young people, feel that they have to fit in by keeping up with the latest trends and styles.  Let me say something to you potential-filled lives right now- What the majority does is not cool-  it's common.  STAND OUT
I'm not for just doing ANYTHING to get attention-  that's not really unique in our day and time anymore either.  But- do something that matters!!  Going out of your way to make a difference-  a GOOD difference-  that's success.  Even IF you don't get to accomplish every single thing you attempt... living a life where you're constantly trying to make yourself a better person, a better friend, someone who has the resources to help those in need... and still make time to "smell the roses" and "live, laugh, and love,"... that is a life well-spent.  A life well-accomplished.
To make things personal... I've wanted to go back to school to allow myself an opportunity to fulfill one of the biggest dreams in my heart- which in turn- will open doors for me to reach a lot of other goals I have set.  Me and my husband. We've put off going back for about 4 years or so- because we let other people keep talking us out of going.  "You need to do this"... or "you should probably do that"... and even "you're too good at this to pursue anything else..."  The list could go on.  We actually felt like we needed to listen to all those things at first.  Yet, after years kept passing we realized we were getting older. (duh)  Our opportunities were coming... and going.  Our excitement and zeal to do great things for the Lord were slowing dissinegrating into nothingness because what we felt like doing-  what we were excited about  - didn't seem to be the right things...  ... to other people... ...  Why in the world does that matter??  I mean, seriously.  Why?  It shouldn't. Now, I'm very passionate about these things, and I get aggravated when I see other people trying to discourage other people's dreams (when they're in the right)- just because they don't understand them.  (But, I'm still against rebellious attitudes and spiteful spirits.  If they get ahold of you-  your dreams will not be what they were intended to be.  Don't let this happen.  PLEASE.)  But, don't sit back and watch others live the life they want to, while you just sit back and say, "I'm just meant to sit here and wait till I'm called on."  No, you're not.  You were put here on this earth by the Creator of it to bring glory to His name, healing to broken hearts, encouragement to those who are low, hope to those who have lost it all, love to children who have never been shown it, a smile to those who can't bear to see another look of disappointment.  You are here for a reason!  A great, important, precious reason.  Find out what that is.  You'll know.  And try it!
Here is an example in my life that is both comical and almost inspiring...  I love Taco Bell.  Always have.  If I choose fast food- I choose Taco Bell.  And for YEARS... and I literally mean YEARS... anytime I would go I would order the SAME EXACT THING: A bean burrito and a soft taco, both with sour cream.  That is what I wanted.  I was okay with them.  I ate them once... liked them both... and decided I didn't need to try anything else.  This absolutely horrified and crawled underneath the skin of one of my absolute greatest friends in the universe- Jessica.  She tried something new EVERY TIME she entered that place... even if it was just the sauces or meat.  She always did.  Never failed.  Ever.  I remember once, (we were about 15-ish) we went to Taco Bell, and I ordered my only meal of choice.  She ordered the newest thing- the double decker.  She talked for about 10 minutes on how bored my stomach must be with the foods I eat. (This was the girl who later grew up to bring a plate of squid to a church pic-nic.  lol)  She pretty much forced me to try her taco.  I did.  It was good. Then the inspiring Jessica (which she is still today... in much bigger things) spilled off something like- "Kristi, you've just got to try different things.  Life has so many choices..." 
It's simple, yes, I know, but remember this story when you wake up every morning thinking the same negative thoughts.  Think of the meaning behind it when you go to bed each night feeling like you'll never meet your goals.  As funny as it is, remember Taco Bell.
My life's menu has not changed-  I've just finally started looking at it.  Now, I love trying new things, even if they're sort of scary.  I think,  "When God leads you to the edge of a cliff, trust Him fully and let go.  Only one of two things will happen.  He will either catch when you fall, or teach you how to fly!"  You're gonna be okay either way!  Try!  Reach for that thing you've wanted to but have put off for other people's silly reasons- or your own needless fears.  You'll never know what great things can happen if you don't!

Me? -- well, my husband and I- have serious hopes in reaching our goals.  We're going back to school! We have finally pushed past fears, doubts, and disappointed looks- and we're full of zeal and excitement again! 

Oh, and btw-  The cheesy potato burrito, with chicken instead of beef, is amazing.
Try it. 

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