Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prep Time

K- So you know how anytime you're trying to follow a recipe, you always look for 2 things before you start?  (Well, at least I do.) 1. The ingredients needed 2. How long it's going to take to prepare.  Some days I'm really in the mood to throw a bunch of stuff into the mixing bowl and spend hours upon hours putting together a spectacular feast. But, for the most part, I want something good and filling- but with fewer ingredients and an expected lesser prep time.  Of course, those meals are still thankfully received and enjoyed.  Yet, it's really hard to beat a 10 course meal that took me hours to create.
You know, life is the same way. However long you spend preparing yourself for something great, is about the way you can judge the outcome.  If you spend NO TIME with your family, chances are you won't be close at all.  If you seldom read your Bible and pray, you're going to struggle as a Christian.  If you never work, you're not going to make a living.  If you don't advance your education, you won't get your hard-earned degree.  Now, I understand not everyone has the same tastes.  Even in food- if you spent 10 hours preparing me a plate of squid and escargot- I'm NOT going to want to eat it.  Sorry.  It's just not something my taste buds want to partake in.  I would much rather eat a pb and j sandwich that took 2 minutes to make.  Yet, in life, I like knowing I did everything I could to live the life of my dreams.  I have to know I do what I can to let my family and friends know that I love and appreciate them.  And those I love need to know I love them enough to spend QUALITY time with each of them.  I want to be able to look ahead to a dream of mine and be able to say honestly, "You're working towards that.  You're taking steps to get there."
My last entry talked about how badly Aaron and I have wanted to go back to school.  Well, it's all settled now.  Classes start in January 2012.  We're thrilled!  Not because of of the super busy schedule we'll have.  The homework is not what we're excited about.  And when we think about the 4-6 years we'll be taking courses... it starts getting overwhelming.  BUT- we keep telling ourselves, and each other, that it's going to be worth it in the end.  When they hand us our Bachelor's degree- and possibly Master's-  I can't even imagine the feeling of pride, gratitude , relief and fulfillment we'll be experiencing!  Thinking about that moment, keeps us motivated, determined.
My husband is also a preacher.  A GREAT ONE!  He preached a message a couple of years ago that really stuck out to me:  "From Mediocre to Magnificent."  He talked about how not every day of our life was going to be awesome in every aspect.  There were going to be days where we just followed our routine.  This is okay.  For those of us who want our lives to COUNT- to stand out and make a difference in the world, this is sometimes hard to accept.  We think we're not going to ever do great things if we're not a part of something fantastic every single day.  However, if we keep doing all we can, loving our life and our families... if we keep doing everything with a smile on our face--- one day, with more than likely no real notice, our "mediocre routine" will present a "magnificent opportunity."  Take that and grasp it tightly.   Enjoy it- and grow in it.  Eventually, this will probably seem somewhat mediocre to you as well.  What do you do?....  Everything with a smile on your face- and keep on keeping on- doing whatever you can-  until your "mediocre routine" presents another "magnificent opportunity."  And so on... Get it?
When you take time to prepare, your life will be full of amazing things.  Opportunities you never expected- and dreams you wished upon stars to come true... will!  God honors a heart and life that sacrifices all to Him!  Reaching the lost and hopeless, encouraging the downhearted, filling childrens' mouths with laughter- HOWEVER you need to according to His will- do it!  Prepare for it! When that first "magnificent" comes, it'll all be worth it!
I'm so glad the Lord allows us to live such fulfilling lives!  My prayer and biggest wish, is that all people would realize their dream and do whatever it takes to reach it... for the Lord!  No matter how different it might seem.  (Those are usually the first ones to grow wings and fly!)  Give your life wholly to the Lord- and watch your dreams come true.

A wise man's steps are ordered (prepared) of the Lord!

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