Friday, October 28, 2011


Ok- since we are viewing my blog, titled "ME.N.U", I guess it would be good to start you off with just an introduction of the story of my life.  Hence, "Appetizer." 
Here in the last month I have acquired an amazing, compelling zeal for life... and life to its fullest! I've always been what I consider, (and what those around me have as well) a happy person. Content with life.  Satisfied with whatever I was handed. NOT.  But I was really good at making it look that way.  Now, I am still EXTREMELY thankful for what my life has been and what I have been given.  I'm grateful for opportunities I was offered, whether accepted or declined.  But, I've realized now what true contentment is.  It's not the "being satisfied with just whatever" contentment I'm talking about.  I don't believe that's God's intention for us at all.  Being thankful for just whatever, sure. Contentment without satisfaction- that's what I had.  I was not miserable in everything.  I was not unthankful for anything.  However, I was not satisfied with the direction of my life... pretty much because I wasn't following a reliable map. 
I was the wandering soul following every voice pitched my way.  The clueless mind accepting every opinion thrown at me.  The longing heart allowing anything and anyone to break it by trying to change it; that was me... How did I change?  By realizing and grasping What it was I wanted when I first began my purpose-driven life...  a RELATIONSHIP with my Jesus like NO other.  A FREEDOM in my Jesus like NO other. A life full of purpose from my Jesus like NO other.  I got that back.  Now, I'm content and satisfied to know my life is going to be crazy awesome, because HE wants that for me...

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