Greetings! There's something I just have to share! Over the last year, there's been such a needed change occur in my life... in my heart. I have joy and peace that I honestly can't explain. Have troubles stopped? No. Has the gossip ceased? Definitely not. In fact, I can probably be fairly accurate when I say it's gotten worse. But, for some Reason,
the "cause" has had a much different "effect" with me. Before, what used to depress me for days, only lights a fire under me to just keep smiling and prove to the world I have the Real thing. The things I used to hear that were said about me, or those I love, used to make me so angry I couldn't even really think straight for a few days. Sure, I could muster up a fake smile and talk in a chipper voice, but inside, I knew that wasn't how I really felt. And, although I had some fooled, many could still tell there was something hurting my heart.
I finally reached the point that I knew it just DIDN'T MATTER. Really. Life, MY LIFE, is so short... do I want to spend it down in the dumps 80% of the time because of what some people choose to say or do? Should I worry and whine when life happens and things don't go my way? When I really deeply pondered on that question, I knew I had to make a change. I didn't want my life wasted. I didn't want to live any way other than happy, content, and fulfilled. That only came by completely FIXING my eyes on JESUS! That story of Peter walking on water meant so much more to me. I was able to really grasp it's
incredible meaning. As soon as he looked around at the waves that were seemingly out to take him under, he started to sink. Why? Because he lost sight of Who it was that held him up. The same thing happened to me. I would start to think that my life would never amount to anything if these things didn't go away. If those voices didn't hush, I would surely never win. They were lying, they were hurting, they were HINDERING.
But, God knew that, too. Which I believe is the very reason, when He got me to the point to understand that life could be so much more, He caused me to let it all go. Was it easy? No stinkin' way. It was the hardest battle fought up to this point in my life. But once the victory was claimed, it was so worth it.
Where am I going with this? Well, as sad as it is, I have, as Paul stated, "a thorn in my flesh." Someone out to literally destroy. No matter where it is... work, previous churches, friends... the list could go on. I've never been lied on or treated worse than this before. And that used to would have eaten me alive. I would have tossed and turned at night wondering who was going to believe her. What's she going to take away this time? But,
God doesn't want us to pick up weapons... He wants to fight for us. So, that's what I'm going to let Him do. And in the meantime, I will rejoice in His love.
Just this morning, something else occurred... as soon as I felt the sting of frustration, a coworker of mine approached me with a smile. She said on her way to work she heard a song and felt like
God wanted her to
remind me of something. Her words were,
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors shaking in their armor wishing they'd have had the strength to stand. The giant's calling out your name and he laughs at you. Reminding you of all the times you've tried before and failed. The giant keeps on telling you, time and time again, "You'll never win. You'll NEVER win." BUT- the Voice of Truth tells you a different story. The Voice of Truth says, "Do not be afraid." The Voice of Truth says, "This is for My glory." Out of all the voices calling out to you... just choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth."
Did she know that was one of my favorite songs? Not a chance. Does she have a clue what's going on in my life? No way possible. Do I feel like God was speaking to me this morning?
No doubts whatsoever.
Here comes that peace again. This joy is never fading. Life is worth living to it's fullest- and that's the only thing you'll want to do when Christ is in control. I finally know the full meaning of those words. Christ is in control! I just pray that if any of my wonderful friends are facing the same battles, or maybe only slightly similar ones, I would hope to encourage you today. Live your life for Christ and realize what's important. Remember, He NEVER gives us more than we can bear. AND, He is our shield. So, the "arrows" He's allowing to be shot at us,
obviously aren't big threats. Just jump to the side a little, or duck. We're going to make it. Our lives are going to be amazing... if we so choose. Choose Jesus and watch it happen!
He can change your "tastebuds," and things that used to make you sick- will only bring a little more health to your spiritual life when handled by Him.
I'm a different person, all around... and I love it. I've never been more at ease, and yet more on edge to do something for His kingdom. I want to inspire everyone else to realize it can happen! If this extreme happiness can be in my heart 24/7... I know it's there waiting for you, too. Just ask Him. He's waiting.