I have watched, firsthand, as marriages have fell apart. I've seen men treat with their wives with absolutely no respect. I've seen men who act selfishly with no regard for anyone but themselves. I've watched as men put their wives down... as a form of comedic entertainment. There have been countless conversations I've had with other ladies who admit that their husbands do nothing to help them around the house. It's broken my heart to hear other women cry over how their spouse refuses to attend church with them, despite the many pleads they present.
Ladies, if you have a man that tries his utmost best to be what you need him to be, be thankful! More importantly, show him that thankfulness! One of the sweetest parts of our relationship, at least I think, is the fact that we send texts to each other throughout the day, every day! We're going on 7 years, and I still feel like we've just begun dating. He's let me know how much he appreciates the texts from me. The more random, the better. It lets him know I'm thinking of him. And, I try to remember at least a couple times a month to make sure he understands how grateful I am to him for wanting and striving to live as Christ would have him live. In this culture, things are hard, especially for men. I don't take it lightly that my husband avoids every avenue of temptation possible. That shows his moral character, his love for me, and his devotion to Christ. I've noticed that when I tell him how much I appreciate him for that, he tries even harder to make his respect and loyalty to me more apparent. That's how we are still so happy and so close! We both try to make the other feel as special and as important as possible.

Aww so sweet and oh so true! Two amazing people.