*****Working for an eye dr- I see people lose their sight more often than others. I see the fear when you inform them they have a disease that could potentially blind them. I sense the hesitance when you tell them surgery on the eye would make them see clearer. I see them stubbornly refuse because they're afraid of possibly losing the sight they have NOW. They don't realize they can see even better!! They've gotten so used to their view they've had forever, anything different, well, just has to be worse. On the other hand, I see those that do get treated, and vision is restored. They smile and laugh, and point at things they didn't realize "were so bright blue!" Its amazing. Makes me even more thankful to JESUS for opening my eyes! I once was blind... BUT NOW... I CAN SEE!!*****
This is a facebook status I posted yesterday- and the thought has stuck with me. I am overwhelmingly thankful for: #1- Jesus' sacrifice and #2- God's grace. It's so humbling to think that the Creator of this world knows every awful thing about me... and STILL cares about me, forgives me, uses me, and believes in me enough to bear His name. What an unconditional love.
I remember something that happened a couple months back. I was at work... It had been a long and eventful day. Everybody's nerves seemed to be frazzled. We had been short handed, had several grumpy patients, and it seemed like everyone of us made one mistake or another that day. Some people were literally on the verge of tears, others were griping, and some, like me, were just silent and obviously tense. Then, the office television (which had been on all day- and completely ignored by all employees) suddenly got my attention. I could hear the sobering sound of bagpipes bellowing beautifully the melody of "Amazing Grace." Beyond all my control, tears began to fill my eyes. Instant peace flooded my soul. As the soloist began to sing, and a few saw my tears, everyone else that was still in the office stopped and watched- and listened. Really listened. As each stanza was completed you could hear sighs and a few gentle laughs. When the first chorus was repeated to end the song, I said aloud, "Isn't it just awesome how the thought of the amazingness of God's grace can cover a multitude of frustrations? And better yet... a multitude of sins!"
I was so convicted and refreshed at the same time. Convicted because I was JUST NOW remembering that verse in the Bible, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee." Why is it that we let POINTLESS things take over our thoughts for any amount of time. Just a few minutes is too long! We must remember God's blessings outweigh any bad thing we think we may endure.
Then I was refreshed... because I knew, I had found God's grace. I had experienced it. Grace is a gift He gave, and I accepted. I'm thankful that when I was lost, He sought me and He found me! And after years of living in darkness, He allowed me to see His light and the beauty that comes when living for Him. I was blind. Now, (thank God) I see.
Grace. Grace. God's grace.
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within.
Grace. Grace. God's grace.
Grace that is greater than all my sin.
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