Have you ever cooked something, or ate something that someone else cooked, that just got a little too done? I have. More than once. Although I eat it, either because I have to, or simply because that's the mannerly thing to do, it's not always scrumptiously satisfying. Nonetheless, it's what I have to partake of at that particular time.
I kinda had a time like that a few weeks ago... looking at my life. Three, maybe four, days right in a row- stuff was just coming my way. I was getting "burnt."... Just a little too done.
At work, I dealt with drama that just didn't seem fair. It wasn't right. Everything that could have been done to annoy me, was done... and most of it was intentionally. Hours were cut, schedules were changed, things were said, promises were broken... Not a very nice feeling.
On top of that, we had some other news, (that I'm afraid would be too personal to share the details)... that had us convinced that the one thing that seemed to be going great in this chapter of our lives, was about to be stripped away. Plans we had been so excited in making were going to be pushed aside, again.
And, referring to a post I shared last month, I was having a hard time dealing with some health issues. Any thoughts or daydreams of a future family, brought an ache to my heart. Question after question. Thought after thought. Fear after fear.
Then we had some unknown charges appear on our bank statement... information hackers. Sweetness, right?
Next comes "hurt by people." Someone I had at one time looked up to, and felt pretty close to, said some really rude and unnecessary things to me. And when I use the word unnecessary, that's being nice. Yeah... it was a rough week for this ol' gal.
But ya know what? When that fourth rough day started to really take it's toll on me... when I called my husband crying and whining about how I was just getting close to my wit's end... when I fell down on my knees and asked God to give me a break... I heard Him speak.
"Kristi, do you remember what you testified about just five days ago? Do you remember when you talked about Job, and how he found a reason to praise Me in spite of everything he had to face? Can you recall that verse that so pricked your heart, and apply it to your own life, right now?"
Tears. Tears. And more tears. Just that past Sunday, as we started studying the book of Job, several people in our church were making comments about how they just didn't understand how he was able to find thankfulness so easily after his severe loss. Some made remarks on how they just didn't know if they would be able to be as faithful as Job. How could you be so grateful after losing absolutely everything dear to your heart?
That afternoon I ran across a verse in Psalms, that simply stated, "I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness." Then like a ton of bricks, it smacked me right in the face. That's how Job still had a praise! Because it doesn't matter one iota what we have or don't have... as Job said, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but blessed be the name of the Lord."
Why is it so easy to lift up thankful hands right after a loved one passes away? Because He will comfort. How can we smile and sing "How Great Thou Art" as our heart aches due to the emptiness of our arms where we so long for a baby to be? Because He understands. How is it that we can stand and testify of God's goodness when we don't know how we'll pay our next bill? Because He's faithful. Why do we fall on our face and praise His name when we've been wronged by a brother or sister? Because He's holy. We praise Him, because He's righteous. He's worthy. He's God... and that's enough.
My tears of frustration soon became tears of guilt, which then became tears of joy, as I realized God knew my name. He knew where I was, how I felt, and loved me enough to try me. And when I felt His conviction, it reminded me, once again, how truly alive He is.
His goodness is unexplainable. His peace passeth all understanding. His love is unphathomable. The assurance we have in Him is beyond comprehension. When I think I've had more than I can bear... when I'm just a little too done with the circumstances of this life, I can find victory just as soon as I magnify His name.
Although the awesomeness of my Savior can't be explained, imitated, expressed, or even imagined... it can be experienced. Just ask Him to make Himself real to you again... or for the first time.
If life has you crying out in anger, confusion, hurt, depression, or if you're just tired of feeling lonely... look to Jesus and read the end of Job. He was doubley blessed in everything that he had once lost. God's got your back. Find Him. Trust Him. And praise Him, according to His righteousness!
Kristi, I don't want to make light of your circumstances, but I thought I would point out that Jesus DID say when we stand before Him on Judgement Day, He will look at us, if we've lived right and Holy, and say, "Well done!" That's what they say about a steak that has been REALLY COOKED!!! Now, there's a reason He said that! He knows we've been cooked a little too long in some ways! But bear up and we will live forever!!! Love ya, girl!
ReplyDeleteThat'll be a "done" I want to be!