Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Unhealthy Cravings...
**My "Critic's Choices" are not finished yet--- they'll return shortly!!**
So, when you hear the words... "I'm really craving (whatever) ...," what "type" of people first come to mind?? For me, it's pregnant women. I think of the "pickles and ice cream," or "brownies with mustard," or "I needed a strawberry slush... like RIGHT NOW." As comical and somewhat sweet as it is, hearing these phrases, is sometimes really hard for me. This is a subject I try to avoid as much as possible. Most of the time, I do GREAT with the fact that I have no children. Other times... not so much. There are those moments (like right now) when I start desiring one so very badly. Or, craving, if you will. Unless you've sat in this seat... you can honestly have no idea.
I don't think I've ever spoken these words to anyone... or even said them aloud while praying... although they echo in my heart quite often. What if something's wrong? What if I never have a beautiful baby of my very own? What if I never get to caress the little faces I've dreamed about? What if no adorable little girl or precious little boy calls me Mommy? Can I bear it if I never get to watch my daughter splash water all over the kitchen floor as she helps me do the dishes? Will I ever get to stare thankfully out the window as I watch my little man play ball with his daddy? These questions torture me from time to time... and it hurts. Bad. This is such an unpleasant and personal subject with me, that I've tried to shrug it off like it just doesn''t matter everytime someone asks that question, "Any news yet???" or "When are you all going to have a little one???" or "Where's my grandbaby???" It KILLS me. I know they mean no harm-- but seriously??
I can honestly say, right now, things are fine. I'm trying so hard to trust the Lord... I know He knows best. I really do. And I'm incredibly thankful that God has given Aaron and I this time to share with each other. We've gotten so close! We've been able to go back to school to fulfill a dream in our hearts. And we have so much fun!... the list really could go on. But it seems like, even when I try to tell others of our busy schedule, or our goals in life that keep me pushing past it with a smile... I hear, "Well, as a mom it's just as busy..." and "Well, if you ever have kids you'll see that..." and "At least you get more sleep that I do..." and so much more can be said. Again, I know it's all in complete innocence... and so I get angry at no one because of it. Still, those words pierce my heart every time. The first thing that pops in my mind is... You're right. I'm just as swamped with the cares of life without the joy of a little one running around and the fulfillment of being a parent. And when it comes to the sleep part- that might be true... I know I'm not up taking care of sick babies or crying toddlers... but sometimes I can't sleep because of the ache in my own heart due to the silence and my empty arms. It's harder than a lot of people realize.
I'm not sharing this story for sympathy. Promise!! I don't need it. My life is still amazing inspite of this sad fact. I still laugh every day, have an absolutely wonderful husband to share my every moment with, and my friends, family, and goals for this life are unbelievable. I just thought it might help me forever conquer the battle in my mind. I try to hide so much... and sometimes, we just need to let it out.
About three and half years ago there was a little situation that occurred... I thought I might be expecting... and I wasn't. For the sake of time and personal reasons I won't go into details. Anyways... during this time we did visit the specialist who told us everything was fine. No problems... All was just as it should be... and I was oh so thankful. Yet after that... it's like I started noticing things that "used to not be like this." Which made my faith waiver a time or two. It still sometimes causes me to "wonder why." It really just doesn't make any sense. It's been 5 years... and nothing's happened????
However, through this, as hard as it is at times JUST NOT UNDERSTANDING... there's a peace that God puts in my heart every time it starts to hurt. And that peace also PASSETH UNDERSTANDING. And that overrides anything that might feel wrong.
I don't know what will happen. I have no idea. It's up to Him. It's almost funny though... because through this, I've gotten more zealous about life. I'm using this time to get my Masters in Education in hopes of one day running (and possibly starting) a Christian School. Aaron's going for Psychology with the intentions of being able to counsel families and teens centered around the Word. Maybe that's what this is all about? Maybe God saw down in the deepest depths of our souls and saw what we wanted to do- and He saw what He COULD do with our lives- and this is just one step in our journey to doing amazing things through Him! I started writing this post feeling pretty sad- and yet now, again, I feel so joyful and peaceful inside. My God is good like that! I do believe God will bless me with children at just the right time. He will give me the desires of my heart! It's a promise in His Word that I plan to cling to. And until that time comes, I've just gotta believe He's ordering our steps for some incredible purpose!! God only has three answers that He gives: 1) Yes. 2) Wait. 3) I've got something much better in mind. I like those answers.
So- even if you're not struggling with the same "craving" I am, you may have one of your own. That thing that enters your head and builds a dwelling place there- just so it can linger and taunt you when life's at its best. Don't let it. -- Desires are okay. They're safe--. But when you begin to crave- your spirit will lose control, flesh will take over, and your faith will grow extremely weak. These are not the qualities of an equipped, successful worker of the Lord! Let the craving go. Sometimes we think of cravings as things that can't be satisfied until you get what it is you're craving. NOT TRUE, my friend. Think with me here, If you've been craving a McDonald's coke all day- if for some reason you can't get it- and a pepsi from Taco Bell will have to suffice, after so many cups- eventually that craving for the coke will subside.
With that being said- when an "unhealthy" craving overtakes you- get full on something else!... Jesus! He always fills the void and quenches the soul. I don't know how. I don't have to. I just know it works. When He fills me up inside with His sweet joy and precious faith, and when I'm just overwhelmed by His comfort, I don't have room to crave anything that would make me sad or wanting.
I'm so thankful that the Lord not only fills those that hunger and thirst for righteousness... but He will also fill those that crave things unhealthy for their spirit, and "stuff 'em" with HIS peace. Wow.
The only thing I'll never get full of -- is Him. I'll want a closer relationship with Him every day. And that's a craving I never want to go away.
So, when you hear the words... "I'm really craving (whatever) ...," what "type" of people first come to mind?? For me, it's pregnant women. I think of the "pickles and ice cream," or "brownies with mustard," or "I needed a strawberry slush... like RIGHT NOW." As comical and somewhat sweet as it is, hearing these phrases, is sometimes really hard for me. This is a subject I try to avoid as much as possible. Most of the time, I do GREAT with the fact that I have no children. Other times... not so much. There are those moments (like right now) when I start desiring one so very badly. Or, craving, if you will. Unless you've sat in this seat... you can honestly have no idea.
I don't think I've ever spoken these words to anyone... or even said them aloud while praying... although they echo in my heart quite often. What if something's wrong? What if I never have a beautiful baby of my very own? What if I never get to caress the little faces I've dreamed about? What if no adorable little girl or precious little boy calls me Mommy? Can I bear it if I never get to watch my daughter splash water all over the kitchen floor as she helps me do the dishes? Will I ever get to stare thankfully out the window as I watch my little man play ball with his daddy? These questions torture me from time to time... and it hurts. Bad. This is such an unpleasant and personal subject with me, that I've tried to shrug it off like it just doesn''t matter everytime someone asks that question, "Any news yet???" or "When are you all going to have a little one???" or "Where's my grandbaby???" It KILLS me. I know they mean no harm-- but seriously??
I can honestly say, right now, things are fine. I'm trying so hard to trust the Lord... I know He knows best. I really do. And I'm incredibly thankful that God has given Aaron and I this time to share with each other. We've gotten so close! We've been able to go back to school to fulfill a dream in our hearts. And we have so much fun!... the list really could go on. But it seems like, even when I try to tell others of our busy schedule, or our goals in life that keep me pushing past it with a smile... I hear, "Well, as a mom it's just as busy..." and "Well, if you ever have kids you'll see that..." and "At least you get more sleep that I do..." and so much more can be said. Again, I know it's all in complete innocence... and so I get angry at no one because of it. Still, those words pierce my heart every time. The first thing that pops in my mind is... You're right. I'm just as swamped with the cares of life without the joy of a little one running around and the fulfillment of being a parent. And when it comes to the sleep part- that might be true... I know I'm not up taking care of sick babies or crying toddlers... but sometimes I can't sleep because of the ache in my own heart due to the silence and my empty arms. It's harder than a lot of people realize.
I'm not sharing this story for sympathy. Promise!! I don't need it. My life is still amazing inspite of this sad fact. I still laugh every day, have an absolutely wonderful husband to share my every moment with, and my friends, family, and goals for this life are unbelievable. I just thought it might help me forever conquer the battle in my mind. I try to hide so much... and sometimes, we just need to let it out.
About three and half years ago there was a little situation that occurred... I thought I might be expecting... and I wasn't. For the sake of time and personal reasons I won't go into details. Anyways... during this time we did visit the specialist who told us everything was fine. No problems... All was just as it should be... and I was oh so thankful. Yet after that... it's like I started noticing things that "used to not be like this." Which made my faith waiver a time or two. It still sometimes causes me to "wonder why." It really just doesn't make any sense. It's been 5 years... and nothing's happened????
However, through this, as hard as it is at times JUST NOT UNDERSTANDING... there's a peace that God puts in my heart every time it starts to hurt. And that peace also PASSETH UNDERSTANDING. And that overrides anything that might feel wrong.
I don't know what will happen. I have no idea. It's up to Him. It's almost funny though... because through this, I've gotten more zealous about life. I'm using this time to get my Masters in Education in hopes of one day running (and possibly starting) a Christian School. Aaron's going for Psychology with the intentions of being able to counsel families and teens centered around the Word. Maybe that's what this is all about? Maybe God saw down in the deepest depths of our souls and saw what we wanted to do- and He saw what He COULD do with our lives- and this is just one step in our journey to doing amazing things through Him! I started writing this post feeling pretty sad- and yet now, again, I feel so joyful and peaceful inside. My God is good like that! I do believe God will bless me with children at just the right time. He will give me the desires of my heart! It's a promise in His Word that I plan to cling to. And until that time comes, I've just gotta believe He's ordering our steps for some incredible purpose!! God only has three answers that He gives: 1) Yes. 2) Wait. 3) I've got something much better in mind. I like those answers.
So- even if you're not struggling with the same "craving" I am, you may have one of your own. That thing that enters your head and builds a dwelling place there- just so it can linger and taunt you when life's at its best. Don't let it. -- Desires are okay. They're safe--. But when you begin to crave- your spirit will lose control, flesh will take over, and your faith will grow extremely weak. These are not the qualities of an equipped, successful worker of the Lord! Let the craving go. Sometimes we think of cravings as things that can't be satisfied until you get what it is you're craving. NOT TRUE, my friend. Think with me here, If you've been craving a McDonald's coke all day- if for some reason you can't get it- and a pepsi from Taco Bell will have to suffice, after so many cups- eventually that craving for the coke will subside.
With that being said- when an "unhealthy" craving overtakes you- get full on something else!... Jesus! He always fills the void and quenches the soul. I don't know how. I don't have to. I just know it works. When He fills me up inside with His sweet joy and precious faith, and when I'm just overwhelmed by His comfort, I don't have room to crave anything that would make me sad or wanting.
I'm so thankful that the Lord not only fills those that hunger and thirst for righteousness... but He will also fill those that crave things unhealthy for their spirit, and "stuff 'em" with HIS peace. Wow.
The only thing I'll never get full of -- is Him. I'll want a closer relationship with Him every day. And that's a craving I never want to go away.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Critic's Choice =)
Critic's Choice =)
My Bestest Bud |
"Slap your neighbor and tell 'em that the blood still speaks..."
When I hear this, I don't think of Bishop T.D. Jakes- I think of Justin Matthew.
My lil bro is unbelievably incredible. He's almost always in a good mood. There are those few times he gets kinda' cranky, but when you point that out to him, he even laughs about that! He has been through so much in life. Most people in this world would be shocked beyond belief if they only knew the half. Through all the pain in his life, though... every unfair and sorrowful thing... he has come out of it all with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. Okay, SONG(S). He plays music 24/7! When he calls me and has to leave a voicemail, 9 times out of 10, he just lets a song play until my phone cuts it off. There's even been a time or two that he's called back again- to let me hear the rest. Cause he knows I just love it... (please catch the hint of sarcasm.) =) Yet, it never fails to make me laugh. And I think he knows that.

Justin also has a strong desire to work for the Lord. He has organized prayer walks, designed Christian t-shirts, hosted a Bible study, worked in the sound booth, sang in the choir... You name it, he's done it... at only 18!
I love when he talks to me about what he wants to do with his life. I'm SO PROUD of the man he's becoming. He is my bud. We have such good times together- goofing off, "arguing", sharing goals and ambitions, listening to music. The times we get to share are beyond precious to me. I'm so blessed to be so close to my brother. He may not be my older brother, (although he's quickly becoming my 'big' brother lol ), but he would stand up for me and protect me at any chance he got... and I would do the same thing for him.
I love that "lil guy" so much! I'm so glad he's in my life!!
Love ya, bud!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Critic's Choice =)
Me and My Favorite Pal |
As Chels would say, "Yeah... we know we're beast!" |
It's time to introduce my favorite people in the world!! First off- here she is... my mini me... drum roll please... ... ... Chelsea Paige... my insanely awesome sister.
I am so thankful, more than I can put into words, that
we have such an awesome relationship. It's rare, I know. And that is a HUGE blessing I will never take for granted. She is one of the most amazingly talented people I know... and at only 17 years old- she's pretty certain as to what direction she's headed. She's strong. She's always been there for me. Always. Now, for her sake... enough of the mushy- lol. SHE'S CRAZY!!- to the max. BUT I LOVE IT! When we get together, our possibilities seem endless. We laugh, we sing, we write, we dance, we do nothing, we... pretty much do whatever seems the most fun at that time. Although we are quite different, we are so much alike. We push and support each other on an almost daily basis. I love our random texts, crazy phone calls, stupid facebook posts. And yet, even though our crazy times are priceless to me- the many seriously deep conversations we have are just as appealing. I wouldn't trade her for the world... not for anything... not ever. She is one of my life lines. :) The best memories of my childhood- always have her in them.
"We'd stay up late, and we'd talk all night, in a dark room lit by the tv light. Through all the hard times in my life, those nights kept me alive. We'd listen to the radio play all night. Didn't want to have to face another fight. Through all the hard times in my life, those nights kept me alive."
This is our song. Definitely. We actually did do as it says. She had a twin size bed that we would squeeze into and watch "Spongebob" at night while chit-chatting, or crying, about our day. The six years difference in our ages never phased us. She was my friend; God made just for me. And He knew how much I'd need her, so He made her my sis. She is crazy awesome. I love that lil "crooked stick."
"I remember when we used to laugh... about nothing at all... *We'll MAKE those nights last!!"
-Luv ya tons, Chels!
Check, Please
Sunday afternoon naps are my favorite! They seem to provide the best rest EVER. And what makes them even better- is laying down STUFFED with amazing food. Oh the joys of life!
This past Sunday- I didn't get my nap. BUT, I did get stuffed with amazing food. Aaron and I, along with some great friends of ours, went to Lonestar Steakhouse for our Sunday dinner. Was it ever delicious! We had a great time talking, laughing, and, of course, eating, and just enjoying each other's fellowship. Our cheerful attitude must have been highly contagious, because our waitress caught on quickly. We were throwing jokes around left and right- dry sarcasm was coming from every direction. Good times. When it was almost time to go our waitress made the usual ending remark, "I'll be right back with your check." Still joking, my husband said, "Oh that's okay. We don't need one this time." Of course we all laughed, as did our waitress, but she quickly said, "Well, I'm sorry... you have to take it. Any time you partake in something this good, you just gotta pay!"
That phrase stuck with me. And I've been thinking about it today.
How am I repaying the people I love for things they've done for me? Do I let them know that I appreciate them enough? Do I put their needs above my own? Am I as encouraging to them as they've been to me?
But even more importantly, I ponder in my heart, what am I doing to "pay" the Lord?? I know we can't earn our way to heaven. It's only by His blood, and our turning from our sins that get us there. But that's salvation!- and that's a gift that came from Him- that He freely gave to me. Nonetheless, I love Him, and I want Him to know that I WANT to repay Him for "something this good." "His thoughts are ever toward me." "He ever liveth to make intercession for ME." That means something. A precious something. With this being said, if He dedicates all that time and 'energy' to me so willingly, shouldn't I dedicate my life to Him?
As hard and even unpleasant as it sometimes is, I have to ask the Lord for my "check, please." When I "pull out my tab" and see the protection He gave me and my family today, and the forgiveness He imparted when my attitude wasn't the greatest... When I see all the laughs He let me have, and how He sent that person at just the right time to say those uplifting words... When I look at it and notice how He kept me from sin another day, He kept me healthy, kept my husband from temptation... the list could go on forever... every day! ... and every day I look over my "check" it reminds me how much I truly do owe Him!! He deserves the best of everything I have to offer... because that's what He gave to me. He gave His life. I will give mine.
I recall the many years of youth camp, and the infamous "ATTITUDE CHECK" the camp dean would say at any given time- which would then be followed by a loud, "PRAISE THE LORD," from any camper close enough to hear. I still use that today. (I don't always holler that when it pops in my head... lol) But in my heart I'm screaming, Praise the Lord, Thank You, Jesus! Bless the Lord, oh my soul! That's where my thoughts should linger. That is how my attitude should stay.
God help me never forget the many undeserved blessings you've so graciously bestowed upon me. And Lord, help me daily check my heart. Help me always live for You. Avoiding all sin, and clinging to Your truth. Check me, please.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
This past Sunday- I didn't get my nap. BUT, I did get stuffed with amazing food. Aaron and I, along with some great friends of ours, went to Lonestar Steakhouse for our Sunday dinner. Was it ever delicious! We had a great time talking, laughing, and, of course, eating, and just enjoying each other's fellowship. Our cheerful attitude must have been highly contagious, because our waitress caught on quickly. We were throwing jokes around left and right- dry sarcasm was coming from every direction. Good times. When it was almost time to go our waitress made the usual ending remark, "I'll be right back with your check." Still joking, my husband said, "Oh that's okay. We don't need one this time." Of course we all laughed, as did our waitress, but she quickly said, "Well, I'm sorry... you have to take it. Any time you partake in something this good, you just gotta pay!"
That phrase stuck with me. And I've been thinking about it today.
How am I repaying the people I love for things they've done for me? Do I let them know that I appreciate them enough? Do I put their needs above my own? Am I as encouraging to them as they've been to me?
But even more importantly, I ponder in my heart, what am I doing to "pay" the Lord?? I know we can't earn our way to heaven. It's only by His blood, and our turning from our sins that get us there. But that's salvation!- and that's a gift that came from Him- that He freely gave to me. Nonetheless, I love Him, and I want Him to know that I WANT to repay Him for "something this good." "His thoughts are ever toward me." "He ever liveth to make intercession for ME." That means something. A precious something. With this being said, if He dedicates all that time and 'energy' to me so willingly, shouldn't I dedicate my life to Him?
As hard and even unpleasant as it sometimes is, I have to ask the Lord for my "check, please." When I "pull out my tab" and see the protection He gave me and my family today, and the forgiveness He imparted when my attitude wasn't the greatest... When I see all the laughs He let me have, and how He sent that person at just the right time to say those uplifting words... When I look at it and notice how He kept me from sin another day, He kept me healthy, kept my husband from temptation... the list could go on forever... every day! ... and every day I look over my "check" it reminds me how much I truly do owe Him!! He deserves the best of everything I have to offer... because that's what He gave to me. He gave His life. I will give mine.
I recall the many years of youth camp, and the infamous "ATTITUDE CHECK" the camp dean would say at any given time- which would then be followed by a loud, "PRAISE THE LORD," from any camper close enough to hear. I still use that today. (I don't always holler that when it pops in my head... lol) But in my heart I'm screaming, Praise the Lord, Thank You, Jesus! Bless the Lord, oh my soul! That's where my thoughts should linger. That is how my attitude should stay.
God help me never forget the many undeserved blessings you've so graciously bestowed upon me. And Lord, help me daily check my heart. Help me always live for You. Avoiding all sin, and clinging to Your truth. Check me, please.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Some Things Never Get Old
I can drink a McDonalds coke 2 times a day, every day, and that will never get old to me. There is just something about their coke. It's amazingly refreshing, and tastes so good. Every time I eat there, those that know me, never have to question what "I want to drink with that," They know! And there have been countless times I have used their drive thru JUST for their coke. Who needs food- when they have their COKE? It's amazing.Can you think of anything in your life like that? Something that never bores you, but always the opposite?
Another thing I think of- I never get tired of being around happy people with a genuine love for the Lord and zeal for life. Never. My husband- God knew I needed him. That man is the best man I know. Yes, he's goofy- (maybe even slightly insane :) )- but he's incredible. He is the happiest, truest person in my life. His desire is to see everyone as happy as he is. He loves making people laugh- (though some sadly refuse to)- and more than anything- he loves talking about the Lord and the things he can do for Him. I love being with him. He always encourages me to do my best, draw closer to God, and pursue my dreams. If I'm ever in a bad mood- he can lift my spirits quicker than anyone. I love him... and that never gets old.
There's a lady I work with... I've only known her about six months or so, but already it's evident to me that she is so full of the joy of the Lord. Even when she's not so happy- she's joyful. (Hard to understand?- Not if you, too, have that joy in Jesus.) I love getting to talk to her each day about the Lord- and the calling He's placed on our lives. She never has ANYTHING negative to say. It's always uplifting and supporting. Our conversations never bore me.
I have a friend, my closest friend, Heather, me and her both tease each other on how we need "a Heather day," or in her case, "a Kristi day." We share similar interests- but more than that- we both want to see the other succeed. It's in our hearts to help the other reach the goals they so desparately want to reach. It's precious, and I love it. I'm so thankful that God put her in my life. Even though we've both been hurt, aggravated, and hindered- we constantly share scriptures and thoughts- and we have both made unbelievable progress in the ambitions we've set. God has us well on our way to seeing some dreams come true. I so look forward to the days we get to visit and those long hours on the phone. I don't care how often- or how few- those times always feel just as sweet.
I pray with every piece of my heart that I can be that type of person to whomever I meet. God is good. God is a keeper of promises. "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." No matter what life brings our way- inspite of what people may throw at us- God will work it for our good. It's in His Word. He will. He wants to see "whatsoever we put our hand to, prosper." He knows the best way for that to happen. So if seemingly everything in your life is going wrong- for seemingly forever- keep holding on, because He will turn it around. I know this from experience. I went through a time of, probably close to 3-4 years, where I was so unhappy. I would get disappointed and hurt left and right- and nobody could tell. And it felt like nobody cared. I was given positions and opportunities that were taken away so unfairly. Other "jobs" we were given always had stipulations that no one else had to deal with. I was actually told while being offered something else that, "I was NOT first choice." The list could go on. It happened over and over again- so much, that I guarantee the people doing it- didn't even realize it. They thought they were helping, teaching. It was just routine. When, in fact, we had never been so hurt and discouraged in all our lives. I really had to pray through bitterness and everything. Awful place to be. BUT- GOD... (I could just leave it right here and cry at the awesomeness!) BUT, GOD... turned it all around! He made a way to bring us out, open unexpected, unbelievable doors- and give us the joy in Him that I'd been praying for for so long! I wish I could even just barely put into words that happiness I've felt every day for the last 4 months or so. It might sound a bit monotonous- but oh, does it feel great! When you can let go of everything else- and just grasp the fact that GOD IS AWESOME- that He loves YOU- that YOU do have purpose- and that your life can be incredible through Him- you can experience it, too!! I hope you do, if you haven't already. Living for God is amazing. His unexpected surprises are so enjoyable. The plans He has for you- the "packages" He tosses right there on your doorstep are fabulous. "His mercies are new every morning." They never get old.
Another thing I think of- I never get tired of being around happy people with a genuine love for the Lord and zeal for life. Never. My husband- God knew I needed him. That man is the best man I know. Yes, he's goofy- (maybe even slightly insane :) )- but he's incredible. He is the happiest, truest person in my life. His desire is to see everyone as happy as he is. He loves making people laugh- (though some sadly refuse to)- and more than anything- he loves talking about the Lord and the things he can do for Him. I love being with him. He always encourages me to do my best, draw closer to God, and pursue my dreams. If I'm ever in a bad mood- he can lift my spirits quicker than anyone. I love him... and that never gets old.
There's a lady I work with... I've only known her about six months or so, but already it's evident to me that she is so full of the joy of the Lord. Even when she's not so happy- she's joyful. (Hard to understand?- Not if you, too, have that joy in Jesus.) I love getting to talk to her each day about the Lord- and the calling He's placed on our lives. She never has ANYTHING negative to say. It's always uplifting and supporting. Our conversations never bore me.
I have a friend, my closest friend, Heather, me and her both tease each other on how we need "a Heather day," or in her case, "a Kristi day." We share similar interests- but more than that- we both want to see the other succeed. It's in our hearts to help the other reach the goals they so desparately want to reach. It's precious, and I love it. I'm so thankful that God put her in my life. Even though we've both been hurt, aggravated, and hindered- we constantly share scriptures and thoughts- and we have both made unbelievable progress in the ambitions we've set. God has us well on our way to seeing some dreams come true. I so look forward to the days we get to visit and those long hours on the phone. I don't care how often- or how few- those times always feel just as sweet.
I pray with every piece of my heart that I can be that type of person to whomever I meet. God is good. God is a keeper of promises. "He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." No matter what life brings our way- inspite of what people may throw at us- God will work it for our good. It's in His Word. He will. He wants to see "whatsoever we put our hand to, prosper." He knows the best way for that to happen. So if seemingly everything in your life is going wrong- for seemingly forever- keep holding on, because He will turn it around. I know this from experience. I went through a time of, probably close to 3-4 years, where I was so unhappy. I would get disappointed and hurt left and right- and nobody could tell. And it felt like nobody cared. I was given positions and opportunities that were taken away so unfairly. Other "jobs" we were given always had stipulations that no one else had to deal with. I was actually told while being offered something else that, "I was NOT first choice." The list could go on. It happened over and over again- so much, that I guarantee the people doing it- didn't even realize it. They thought they were helping, teaching. It was just routine. When, in fact, we had never been so hurt and discouraged in all our lives. I really had to pray through bitterness and everything. Awful place to be. BUT- GOD... (I could just leave it right here and cry at the awesomeness!) BUT, GOD... turned it all around! He made a way to bring us out, open unexpected, unbelievable doors- and give us the joy in Him that I'd been praying for for so long! I wish I could even just barely put into words that happiness I've felt every day for the last 4 months or so. It might sound a bit monotonous- but oh, does it feel great! When you can let go of everything else- and just grasp the fact that GOD IS AWESOME- that He loves YOU- that YOU do have purpose- and that your life can be incredible through Him- you can experience it, too!! I hope you do, if you haven't already. Living for God is amazing. His unexpected surprises are so enjoyable. The plans He has for you- the "packages" He tosses right there on your doorstep are fabulous. "His mercies are new every morning." They never get old.
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